
Layover in Istanbul

Hello Mau ngasih tau kalo gw lagi ngga di rumah nih, Austen. Di atas itu ada hasil iseng-iseng gw jepret jepret di Istanbul. Yak, saat ini gw sedang agak jauh dari rumah. Tapi bukan di Istanbul. Beberapa bulan ini gw ikut program yang sebenernya bagian dari Master program gw untuk ambil course di UK. Seru sih. Tapi ga tau kenapa ya rasanya kosong aja gitu jauh dari keluarga. Weeew, kadang baperan sih anaknya. Kalo dipikir-pikir nih ya, gw udah tinggal jauh dari keluarga sejak lulus SMA. Waktu itu gw harus tinggal di satu pulau namanya Penang (kata-kata "pulau" bikin gw terkesan terisolasi gitu ya padahal pulaunya sangat metropolitan kok jauh dari image "pulau" macam yg di mufi mufi). Jadi berhubung kampus S1 gw di situ, dan jaraknya 5 jam nyetir dari tempat ortu gw tinggal / 1 jam naik pesawat, kesimpulannya adalah gw harus menetap di situ. Bukan masalah jarak sih, tapi masalah keberanian gw dan keinginan gw untuk tinggal jauh dari rumah masih ting...

Building Inspection

Today marks the second time I did the so-called building inspection trial as part of the program. I find it quite interesting to see building from a whole other perspectives. I used to focus more on the design aspects of a building. Though we were also taught that the design of any structures - for instance a building, should be based upon the intended function. Hence the form follows functions principal. But somehow it's pretty obvious that we still tend to focus more on the aesthetic aspects, as clients might as well prefer to have it that way. Even if I were to become a project leader, I'd definitely expect my building to look as uniquely pleasing as possible! It has always been aesthetics vs functionality, and I have always been on the aesthetics side. Surveying a building is new to me. Despite all those familiar construction terms, a building inspection felt very alien to me. Not to mention the variety of equipments it requires. Nevertheless, this subject I'm taking ...

Austen, 2017

Alhamdulillah. Blog gue balik! Seperti yang bisa dilihat post terakhir gue (sebelum repost kejer pake Tumblr posts) adalah post tahun 2013. Mantap. Tadinya gue udah hopeless gitu kan karena email yg gue pake buat log in ke blog adalah email Yahoo dengan domain @ymail - dimana domain tersebut entah kenapa udah ditiadakan sama Yahoo. Sebenernya gue pernah dapet pemberitahuan dari Blogspot tentang akuisisi Blogspot oleh Google, sehingga mau ngga mau ya lo migrate ke Gmail coy *biar apasi sha pake coy* *tipikal anak jamsek mempermasalahkan everything* *biar apasi sha pake everything* *sok inggris lo* tut judgmental  Jadi katanya si biar lebih terintegrasi. Blogspot juga bakalan consider blogger-blogger lama yang udah terlanjur make email dari domain lain. Para blogger masih diperbolehkan log in dengan email selain Gmail - walaupun at the end of the day, lo bakal diarahkan ke pembuatan Gmail juga. Well at least you had the chance to access your blog first. Abis itu terserah deh m...

Life updates

<tumblr alert> Sep 28th, 2016  Yap, 3 posts at a time. Because who on earth cares :P Hi there Austen, how’s our castle? Sorry for being away for centuries. Since I’m such an adventurous Duchess I am currently in Qarath heading north to Winterfell seeking for love. Kidding. Found my love By the way gue ngekost sekarang. Life never been so flat since then. I’m a working young adult  who rarely socialize lol .   In at 9 - out by 5, somehow I feel like my 9-5 routine is killing my creativity (and building my CV too at the same time so, dang it). While it may be one of the most common rituals throughout society, it’s not necessarily the most productive one.  Especially, When you've been at work 9 hours and see dogs on Instagram with 2M followers who generate more income than you. I’m looking at you, Marutaro, Bichon tori, and Loki the Corgi. Sincerely, Shasha Hathaway.


Its September 2016 and people still have not moved on from Path? Well I have. Why? cuz I feel like it. I feel like my social interaction capability is degrading. On the other hand, people think they are ‘socializing’ and ‘spending time with friends’ - while they’re texting and updating every single moments on social media. Idk. Guess I’m an old soul. Welcome to the age of smartphones, where actual conversation is becoming a thing of the past.

Home 2.0

<tumblr alert> Sep 28th, 2016 Wait, where’s home again?


<tumblr alert> Jan 28th, 2016 HIII OMG ITS SO DUSTY I CAN SEE VOLDEMORT FROM AFAR Not again man. Not again. Abandoning blog for months. Is it too late now to say sorry? 'Cause I'm missing more than just your body, oh Is it too late now to say sorry? Yeah, I know-oh-oh, that I let you down CHEESUS I’m a freakin belieber now Is that supposed to be a yay thing or a nay fkin way thing? Oh by the way, I’m 22!!!! YAY!!!! (read: damn it I’m old and single, hah) (screw my picky habbit) (just screw.them)  Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22 (Thanks for making a song out of every 22s’ miseries, Taylor) So Dear Life, I look forward to your next surprises <3 Speak soon x Shasha im not a belieber