I reach that, and it disappear direct to the fresh air. Stolen by the irresponsible hands you morron boy lmaoffff ha ha nah its ok. but i terribly wa-nt-it
<tumblr alert> Apr 7th, 2015 Its 1:36AM, I couldn't sleep, so here goes some random thoughts, about friendship. I discovered some cheesy quotes about friendship on twitter. At first I was like, emm? Then I'm like OMAGAD/ these quotes are disturbingly true. Enjoy: “There is no U in friendship or relationship, meaning it is not solely about you all the time; can't stand self-centered people” — Chelsea O. “good friendship should be about loving one another for who the other person is, not about competition or frustration” — Logan F. “Friendship is all about tolerance.” — Denny S. I wish I'd discovered these quotes earlier. Well, it's always better late than never.
<tumblr alert> Jan 20th, 2015 Firstly the worst thing about my neighbor is that, I don't personally know each one of them. Not that I'm not insisted on knowing them better, but I simply couldn't. Most of them are temporary residents so I could barely notice one would stay for even a week. They come and go, like every day, every week, every month. What I sort of dislike about temporary neighbors is: their behavior. They don't appreciate the other neighbors' existence. By that I mean they don't do social interaction, they don't take account of cleanliness and sometimes they would behave as crazy as possible like there's no tomorrow. They are not responsible for their act because they're just some temporary residents. “Why should I care, someone will replace my spot in a day or two, and if I do something bad I could simply escape from everything” Please live somewhere else? Like what I've expected, two of my temporary neighbors were on a f...
struggling over something less meaningful for my life is apparently a part i need to avoid and destroy from my to do list. i've tried to be strong and brave enough upon everything, but this tiny little cutie human being seemed to have limit of patience, *well everyone does* and i do really think mine has exceeded the boundaries. i know this rough time will soon pass, since i've previously passed bunch of hard times too though. but, is it wrong if i felt slightly incomplete? i don't seem to have a good ability to explain, but to be honest this incompleteness i felt is dreadfully troubling. as a happy daughter, this is something i shouldn't write about. i should have written any kind of posts regarding to blessedness and blissfulness. i should be grateful for having such a great great great parents, lovely sister and a happy family. i mean it. i guess its a temporary blue feelings that haunts me at the moment. anywaysss, i won't write any longer cause nobody loves sad...