boring sunday

hey(ll) yeah. im totally back. you know what, sunday is always be the most boring day in my life. ive got nothing to do except....... what ?
okay. like moving the pointer mouse to the thing called 'sign in' then moved by clicking 'new post', actually means at that time was absolutely boring. sometimes not. but right now, yes.
i even didnt have anything to share with. lalalala..... sigh.
hm actually i've had a plan to go to yohan/the mall. its the mall behind my appartment. isn't it freakin' fun hah? so lazy to go everywhere. 'yohan' would be a very peaceful place...when im getting bored.
i decided to go there with my classmate, to buy sumthin gift for my another classmate. because 2moro is her birthday. so we did our 'patungan' tradition,then give em some simple gift.

im fasting now, like other people(moslems) do. but im stuck in the middle of kinda big city. can you imagine that there's no right place to buy some bukaan. i went to yohan yesterday, i was searching for some bukaan, and finally i got all the shops closed. closed..... and ive got nothing. i think, McD is kind of an alternative one. you can say the last choice. what else? so i went there.
another part of fasting story, the Adzan. i always heard adzan, just form Tv. there are no mosque near by my appartment. and absolutely, there are no takbiran, pfffh.
i kind of miss indonesia. i'd like to live somewhere indonesia
for your information, im still bored.
(stopped by my own plan going to yohan) bye d:

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