
Showing posts from August, 2009


starting from today.. i would like to stop the habit of sleeping after i did sahur. it was reaaaally bad that everyone thoughts i woke up late every morning. actually it wasnt wrong. but the reason is the most annoying one. i used to study for preparing the morning lessons on school at that day, so after did sahur, i never want to have a plan to sleep again. but damn. my bedroom was very cold, and that was the thing that made me sleepy. i probably need to get thicker blanket. okay back to tpc.. while im studying PKn, i cant stand the 17 degrees celsius. then, i sleep-accidentally. but fyi, i already have my subuh and showered before i sleep-accidentally. right at 8.01 AM..... i've just woken up by my fakin alarm that didnt even ring at seven thirty!! myGod. whereas my teacher of the first lesson will come in to the class at EIGHT. and i woke up ONE MINUTE after the schedule she must came in to. then i was quickly put on some uniform, stocks, shoes, grabbed a day pack, and the othe

boring sunday

hey(ll) yeah. im totally back. you know what, sunday is always be the most boring day in my life. ive got nothing to do except....... what ? okay. like moving the pointer mouse to the thing called 'sign in' then moved by clicking 'new post', actually means at that time was absolutely boring. sometimes not. but right now, yes. i even didnt have anything to share with. lalalala..... sigh. hm actually i've had a plan to go to yohan/the mall. its the mall behind my appartment. isn't it freakin' fun hah? so lazy to go everywhere. 'yohan' would be a very peaceful place...when im getting bored. i decided to go there with my classmate, to buy sumthin gift for my another classmate. because 2moro is her birthday. so we did our 'patungan' tradition,then give em some simple gift. im fasting now, like other people(moslems) do. but im stuck in the middle of kinda big city. can you imagine that there's no right place to buy some bukaan. i went to yohan

really proud

Hey im going to tell you sumthin 'good story'. few days ago right at 19th of august, we the dance team (ceileh) of our school did our super super fantastic performance EVER, i think. well, people in that giant stadium didnt stop giving their happy-clap. goddamn audiences, i cant imagine how efin'happy our faces when they clap and appreciate our performance, indonesian mixed-break-traditional dances. many such things i heard at that time, shouting 'that was brilliant, absolutely brilliant!'.... and however the proud one, were when they shouted 'GOO INDONESIA!' man.. what a night. i forgot to tell this-blog, where and what for we did our dance performance, there. its the Closing ceremony of 5th/2009 ASEAN Paragames, in Putra stadium, bukit jalil, KL. we did our performance, we show indonesian traditional dances, cos Indonesia will host the sixth Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Para Games in 2011. i love my country! xp

vacation, flash back, really.

Wow males banget sebenernya bikin2 ginian lagi, apalagi udah kelas 3 sma, mending belajar ceilehhhhhhhhh. oke. nulis apaan nih? nothing's up. kecuali kalo gw harus nyeritain liburan gw kemareeeeen yg udah basi. hmmmm ga basi juga sih wong gue blom cerita. yoweslah -Pertamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax gue nyampe di cengkareng hari apa gitu tanggal 23 juni. nyampe sana gue kerumah,tidur. besoknyaaa maen trus besoknya lagi gw kerumah sodara gw yang di pejaten. karena besoknya mau keliling jawa naek mobil WOW. pengalaman pertama nich. biasa ke jawa naek kuda. hehehe. trus pas udah nyampe rmh sodara, tiba2 perjalanannya ditambah, sekalian ampe ke bali. trussss gw tidur, biar besok ga molor. - Wonosobo , tempat favorite gw! rumah pakde gw, dingin banget brrr. kaya puncak tapi puncak rame dan udah banyak polusi, kalo ini jernihhhhhhh abis. gw ngeliat sapi2nya pakde gw diperah trus gw bawa balik, trs gw minum. gila ga rasanya lumayan sih tp gw geli kalo inget si sapi. trus gw mancing di kolam