<tumblr alert> Jan 20th, 2015 Firstly the worst thing about my neighbor is that, I don't personally know each one of them. Not that I'm not insisted on knowing them better, but I simply couldn't. Most of them are temporary residents so I could barely notice one would stay for even a week. They come and go, like every day, every week, every month. What I sort of dislike about temporary neighbors is: their behavior. They don't appreciate the other neighbors' existence. By that I mean they don't do social interaction, they don't take account of cleanliness and sometimes they would behave as crazy as possible like there's no tomorrow. They are not responsible for their act because they're just some temporary residents. “Why should I care, someone will replace my spot in a day or two, and if I do something bad I could simply escape from everything” Please live somewhere else? Like what I've expected, two of my temporary neighbors were on a f...