
Showing posts from March, 2011


Hai! Maap ya blog udah berasa blog alcatraz aja ditinggal penghuni berabad-abad, hehe. Udah lama ga ngeklik sign-in jadi rada pangling, apalagi publish-post, duh. Oke, santai -_- Agak bingung mau ngepost apa sebenernya, karena kehidupan datar-datar aja. Ga ada polisi tidur. Ga ada kubangan kerbo. :-s Tapi kemaren ada kejadian gokil yang mungkin ga semua orang pernah alamin. Dosen gue bagi-bagi Handphone Emang dosen gue yang ini rada-rada lain. Bukan handphone aja, tapi jam tangan dan uang. Gue masih belom ngerti dosen gue itu antara kebanyakan duit atau gila, atau bisa aja emang hobi dia bagi-bagi handphone. Hobi yang sangat langka........ Pas hari Kamis tanggal 24 Februari 2011 jam 14.00 (?) itu terakhir kali dia ngajar di kelas gue semester ini. Gue ga ngerti kenapa itu pertemuan terakhir, karena dia sendiri yang jelas-jelas teriak (bc: bilang) kalo dia bakal ngajar selama 4 minggu. Fyi kemaren itu baru minggu ke-3.. (Lupakan) Dia mau ngasih kejutan. Pertama-tama gue bodo amat. Sampe

Ipod thing

Imma ask you a lot. like seriously, tons of... whichever it is, you decide. so, have you ever been in a duper awkward situation when it's just you and your iPod. well that's a simply odd question if it stops on that. every human beings do have a common on a general situation like that. but are we there yet? nooope. it surely continued by, ..awkward moments when it is just you and your iPod inside your cold bedroom with the lights gone out and you just realized its 12:51AM which is the title of one of your favorite song ever existed and, and this post is being typed on that bloody iPod. aren't these accidentally gorgeous stuffs amazed you? right? right? sure it does. u know what. i've got nothing to do. #justtyping