
Showing posts from December, 2010

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I've changed the title a few weeks ago without filling in the post. A bunch of stories are staying in a waiting list. Those sad and super happy ones. You know, life :p Firstly I got accepted to USM's Architecture I'd say they're quite strict in recruiting new students. Oh I WOULD say totally strict -_- I was interviewed by 7 people. Please imagine yeeh. 7 people were questioning me and they all are professors. Almost can't handle it but I have to. Errh. so yea you know everybody will get nervous in any interview session, even a bit. I've tried to control my emotion as hard as possible btw Firstly they separated those candidates who're taking Archi with the others, such as Urban, Cm and bla bla. Because the Archi candidates will asked to do the drawing test. So I went there for the test and....the question was quite shocking. Still reasonable tho. I was asked to sketch a 3D building which reflects orrr describes my personality in 45 minutes It made me